Sunday, March 27, 2011

Frank Sinatra

Old Blue Eyes, the Chairman of the Board, leader of the Rat Pack, by far the greatest singer of all time, and the culmination of all the dreams of every down-and-out street kid from Hoboken New Jersey

Wild Turkey

Limestone filtered water and white oak barrels make this fine American Bourbon a unique and delicate experience, maintaining a tenuous balance between minerality and sweetness.  At 101 proof it will also get you seriously drunk.  A couple shots of this in quick succession and you won't remember your name.  Enjoy!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Poems from Bianca's Diary

Death Certificate Doris Applebaum

Death Certificate Bianca Applebaum

News Article

Friday June 22, 2007                                                             
Delaney’s Crowns Prince for the Fall

Orson Williams
Staff Writer
Designer Edward Prince debuted his new fall line last week in a runway show in Soho.  The upper crust of New York Fashion came out to view the designer’s latest efforts. 
            Prince first came on the scene with his spring line two years ago.  That line made a splash that is still rippling through the fashion industry today.  Virtually every designer today has tried to copy his easy flowing day wear, though few accomplish the same effect with the same ease.  This line shows a lot less skin than his previous efforts, but this is the first time that he has left designing for the summer months and started designing for colder weather. 
            There are no turtle necks here, or fur lined jackets.  His clothes are more casual than that.  He has done things with hoods here that no one has ever done before.  He has taken the casual charm of hipster chic and blended it with a kind of retro grunge aesthetic that has surprising impact.  His clothes are a study in contrasts.  The form fitting is paired with the baggy, satin with knits, drab with the colorful. 
            This will surely be a significant line, but the real story here is the bidding war that followed the show.  So far Prince’s clothes have been available only in high end boutiques, but this time around several major department stores have gotten into the mix. 
            The first offer on the line was made by Macy’s; Bloomingdale’s got into the ring as well, but in the end it was Delaney’s department store that won out.  Doris Applebaum, Delaney’s fashion director, was seen schmoozing with Prince all night.  When the result of the bidding war was announced rumors started to fly about a possible romantic link between Prince and Applebaum.  “Doris and Edward are just good friends.  There was nothing inappropriate about how Delaney’s acquired the line,” said a source close to the Prince design firm.  “It’s a match made in heaven,” said Applebaum.  “Prince represents the cutting edge of fashion for the contemporary working woman.  Delaney’s has always been the place for to shop for the contemporary working woman.”  

Tox report Doris

Form MG 11 (T)
Page 1 of 3

(CJ act 1967, s9;MC Act 1980, ss 5A(3);(a)and 5B;MC Rules 1981,r70)
Statement of: Albert Middleton Babbert
Age if under 18: OVER 18 (if over 18 state over 18) Occupation: FORENSIC SCIENTIST
This statement (consisting of 3 page(s) each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have willfully stated anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true.
Signed: A.M. Babbert                                                     Date: 7/15/07
Qualifications and Experience
I am a Bachelor of Science (Honors), a Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry, and a Doctor of Forensic Medicine in pathology.  I was employed for over 20 years by the City of Chicago, IL in the Medical Examiner’s office, specializing in the analysis of bodily fluids and other materials for the presence of alcohol, drugs and poisons.  While in the Medical Examiner’s office I was designated an Authorized Analyst under the provisions of Section 16 of the Road Traffic Offenders Act of 1988.  Since February of 2002 I have been employed by the New York City Medical Examiner’s office in a similar capacity as a Forensic Toxicologist. 

Receipt of Items
On the 13th of July 2007, the following items were received at the laboratory from the New York City Police Department:
Taken from the body of Doris Applebaum at autopsy (7/13/07)
NCH/39  Urine-Preserved
NCH/40 Urine
NCH/41 Bile
NCH/42 Bile-Preserved
Signed: A.M. Babbert
Continuation of Statement of: Albert Middleton Babbert                                                                                       Page 2 of 3
NCH/43 Heart Blood
NCH/44 Blood-Fluoride Oxalate
NCH/46 Blood-EDTA
NCH/47 Plain Blood
NCH/48 Left Lung
NCH/49 Contents of Stomach
NCH/50 Liver (Sample)
NCH/52 Vitreous humor-preserved
NCH/53 Vitreous humor
I understand that the body of Doris Applebaum was found at 2 pm on the 13th of July 2007.  Crime scene investigators found evidence of cocaine use, several empty liquor bottles, and an empty bottle of vicodin.  There was no sign of violence.  Overdose is suspected.
I have been asked by the NYPD to analyze the post-mortem samples for the presence of alcohol, drugs, medicines, and volatile substances in order to determine if any of these substances were involved in Mrs. Applebaum’s death.
Nature of Examination
The blood and urine samples were analyzed for the presence of alcohol, and a wide range of commonly available drugs, including amphetamines; barbiturates; benzodiazepine drugs; benzoylecgonine (the metabolite of cocaine); cannabinoids (the constituents of cannabis); chemically basic drugs such as antidepressants, dextropropoxyphene and antihistamines amongst a wide range of other substances; methadone; methylamphetimine; 3,4-methylenedioxymethylamphetimine (MDMA, “Ecstacy”) and related compounds; and opiate drugs such as morphine and heroine.  The stomach contents were examined and analyzed for paracetamol.  The blood was also analyzed for paracetamol and volatile substances such as organic solvents. 
No other analyses were performed.
Signed: A.M. Babbert

Results                                                                                                                                                                 Page 3 of 3
The following substances were found in the blood, item NCH/47at the
stated concentrations:                                                                                                                 
Vicodin                                                                 35 micrograms per milliliter of blood
Blood Alcohol Level                                         %.10                                                                     
Benzoylecgonine                                             40 micrograms per milliliter of blood
Hydrogen Cyanide                                           97 micrograms per milliliter of blood
The following substances were found in the stomach, item NHC/49
Vicodin                                                                 2 partially digested 50 Milligram tablets
Vodka                                                                   3 oz.
No other substances were found. 
Hydrogen Cyanide is a highly poisonous substance.  In this concentration it is unlikely that she ingested it accidentally. She would have died in a matter of minutes from the initial ingestion.  According to the autopsy the hydrogen cyanide was found in her nasal cavity, suggesting that the drug was mixed with the cocaine she was using.   She would have suffered paralysis of the involuntary muscle functions of the lungs, and, as a result, asphyxiation.  The cocaine and vicodin were not at high enough levels in her blood stream to result in overdose even with the added alcohol.  The Hydrogen Cyanide was the clear cause of death.  Hydrogen Cyanide is not a common substance with which to cut cocaine, given that doing so would kill the user.  The presence of the poison in the cocaine that she used indicates malicious intent.  The fact that no other bodies were found on the scene indicates that she was hording this batch of cocaine for herself, a practice known in drug taking circles as miserism. 
1.       Cause of death was asphyxiation caused by an overdose of hydrogen cyanide.
2.       Homicide.
3.       No Great loss.

Personal Note
It is hard to believe that this sordid monster of a woman had any relationship to the divine Bianca Applebaum whose body I examined earlier.  Bianca made this woman seem like the vilest of beasts.
Signed: A.M. Babbert

Tox report Bianca

Form MG 11 (T)
Page 1 of 3

(CJ act 1967, s9;MC Act 1980, ss 5A(3);(a)and 5B;MC Rules 1981,r70)
Statement of: Albert Middleton Babbert
Age if under 18: OVER 18 (if over 18 state over 18) Occupation: FORENSIC SCIENTIST
This statement (consisting of 3 page(s) each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have willfully stated anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true.
Signed: A.M. Babbert                                                     Date: 7/15/07
Qualifications and Experience
I am a Bachelor of Science (Honors), a Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry, and a Doctor of Forensic Medicine in pathology.  I was employed for over 20 years by the City of Chicago, IL in the Medical Examiner’s office, specializing in the analysis of bodily fluids and other materials for the presence of alcohol, drugs and poisons.  While in the Medical Examiner’s office I was designated an Authorized Analyst under the provisions of Section 16 of the Road Traffic Offenders Act of 1988.  Since February of 2002 I have been employed by the New York City Medical Examiner’s office in a similar capacity as a Forensic Toxicologist. 

Receipt of Items
On the 13th of July 2007, the following items were received at the laboratory from the New York City Police Department:
Taken from the body of Bianca Applebaum at autopsy (7/13/07)
NCH/39  Urine-Preserved
NCH/40 Urine
NCH/41 Bile
NCH/42 Bile-Preserved
Signed: A.M. Babbert
Continuation of Statement of: Albert Middleton Babbert                                                                                       Page 2 of 3
NCH/43 Heart Blood
NCH/44 Blood-Fluoride Oxalate
NCH/46 Blood-EDTA
NCH/47 Plain Blood
NCH/48 Left Lung
NCH/49 Contents of Stomach
NCH/50 Liver (Sample)
NCH/52 Vitreous humor-preserved
NCH/53 Vitreous humor
I understand that the body of Bianca Applebaum was found at 7 am on the 12th of July 2007.  Crime scene investigators found no evidence of violence or struggle.
I have been asked by the NYPD to analyze the post-mortem samples for the presence of alcohol, drugs, medicines, and volatile substances in order to determine if any of these substances were involved in Mrs. Applebaum’s death.
Nature of Examination
The blood and urine samples were analyzed for the presence of alcohol, and a wide range of commonly available drugs, including amphetamines; barbiturates; benzodiazepine drugs; benzoylecgonine (the metabolite of cocaine); cannabinoids (the constituents of cannabis); chemically basic drugs such as antidepressants, dextropropoxyphene and antihistamines amongst a wide range of other substances; methadone; methylamphetimine; 3,4-methylenedioxymethylamphetimine (MDMA, “Ecstacy”) and related compounds; and opiate drugs such as morphine and heroine.  The stomach contents were examined and analyzed for paracetamol.  The blood was also analyzed for paracetamol and volatile substances such as organic solvents. 
No other analyses were performed.
Signed: A.M. Babbert

Results                                                                                                                                                                 Page 3 of 3
The following substances were found in the blood item NCH/47, and in the stomach, item NHC/49 at the stated concentrations:                                                                                                                               
Hydrogen Cyanide                                           97 micrograms per milliliter of blood
No other substances were found.  Ms. Applebaum was clear for alcohol and drugs. 
Hydrogen Cyanide is a highly poisonous substance.  In this concentration it is unlikely that she ingested it accidentally. She would have died in a matter of minutes from the initial ingestion.  The only other substance in her stomach was coffee with cream and sugar.  The carbon content of the coffee suggests Starbucks.  It is likely that the poison was placed in the coffee.  The bitterness of the coffee would have masked the flavor of the poison.  It is likely, therefore, that the killer was someone close enough to her to have had access to her coffee, and someone heartless enough to watch her die, which she would have started to do within moments. 
1.       Cause of death was asphyxiation caused by an overdose of hydrogen cyanide.
2.       Homicide.
3.       Senseless tragedy.

Personal Note
Performing the autopsy on Ms. Applebaum has shaken me to the core.  Even in death she is a vision of innocence and beauty.  I am overcome with the senselessness of her death, and a vile hatred for whoever is responsible for her death.  Such a monster must clearly be of the cruelest and most depraved variety.  This experience has inspired me to change the kind of medicine I practice.  After today I will be tendering my resignation to the medical examiner of New York County.  I intend to pursue a career in pediatrics.  I want to be a part of life, not death.
Signed: A.M. Babbert